Subscribe for FreeKavita Mobile updates
Now updates are available on mobile via google free service of google labs sms system:
How do I subscribe to FreeKavita for mobile updates?
HERE Are two ways to do so. Choose any one:
1. To subscribe to allbankjobs (Only for gmail a/c holder)
ii) You will be redirected to a log-in page where you have to log-in.
(with gmail a/c user ID and password)
iii) Now you need to select a nickname, enter your mobile number.
iv) The verification code will be sent to your mobile phone.
Verify your mobile number by entering the code.
v) Confirm for subscribing to FreeKavita Free SMS service.
2. To subscribe using your phone, SMS 'ON FreeKavita' to 9870807070.
You'll receive a confirmation message and thats it.
Click Here for FreeKavita on your mobile at free of cost